Compassion is one of our core principles.
Musty-smelling carpets are both unpleasant and dangerous.
Black water is floodwater that contains contaminants and viruses that present severe risks of illness.
Purchasing a new home is an exciting time, but it also comes with its challenges.
This is a pervasive question that does not have an easy answer.
Mold is a common nuisance in many homes and properties.
One aspect of the restoration business not often discussed is the negative consequences of inadequate responses to disasters.
In 1790, Alexander Hamilton, of recent theatrical fame, proposed to Congress the establishment of the First National Bank of the United States.
AMC’s The Walking Dead was filming scenes for their upcoming season in Powhatan, VA.
Just like your clothes, your washer and dryer are items that require periodic cleaning, though not that often.
There are many possible reasons why an unpleasant smell lingers in your house.
As companies prepare to reopen and welcome back their employees, customers, clients, and others, they have to reconsider how they clean.
According to the CDC, cleaning frequently touched objects and surfaces helps prevent the spread of respiratory diseases like the coronavirus.
Coronavirus are a large family of viruses that are common in people and many different species of animals, including camels, cattle, cats, and bats.
Washing machine mold, which is typically found on the rubber gasket of front-loading machines, is a common household problem.
PuroClean Restoration Professionals has a lot to be proud of! In a recent article posted by the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Deputy Kaitlyn Crane, daughter of PuroClean of Restoration Professionals’, Steve Crane, [...]
Water bursting through frozen pipes is a common sight in homes during periods of very cold weather.
PuroClean Restoration Professionals was featured in a local news article where they attended a family in need after suffering sewage backup.
After the fire is out and the smoke has cleared, the fire department is gone and you are left with a disaster on your hands.
As in all water-related incidents, time is crucial.
After an event that causes water damage in your home, not only would the floors be affected, but often the walls are as well.