This Article Covers: House fires are devastating, but the challenges continue after the flames are out.
Navigating the Aftermath: What to Keep and What to Toss After a Flood You just had a flood.
People don’t often look up.
If you’re leaving your Cranford-area house vacant this winter—especially if you’re gone for the entire winter —you might be worried about the dangers of frozen pipes, unwelcome pests, or heating [...]
Keeping Fireworks Fun and Safe for Children and Pets No Fourth of July is complete without the vibrant bursts of fireworks lighting up the night sky.
Vape Odor: It’s Not Just Cigarette Smoke Anymore! Picture this: you walk into your home after a long day, hoping to relax, but instead, you’re greeted by a lingering vape [...]
Managing basement humidity is a unique challenge for Cranford and nearby Union County homeowners.
Damp clothes or fabrics can easily be infested with mold if they’re not dried in time.
In a water damage event, it’s essential to quickly remove the water and dry your property.
As the nation continues to focus heavily on the COVID-19 pandemic, we are reminding property owners of the urgent need to prepare their homes and businesses for the Atlantic Hurricane Season.
“April showers” are sometimes much more than just a bit of rain.
After the fire is out and the smoke has cleared, the fire department is gone, and you are left with a disaster on your hands.
Before going into spring flooding prevention, let’s take a couple of steps back.
What Are the Causes of Office Water Damage and What Are the Consequences? Property managers of office buildings are often aware that water damage can be truly consequential.
After a house fire, the danger unfortunately doesn’t stop once the flames have been put out.
Smoke alarms are extremely important in keeping you and your family safe in case of a household fire.
After years of smoking in a home, walls and contents become blemished and develop bad odors.
Mold comes in many textures and colors, but they all have a few things in common — they grow in moist areas, they feed on organic matter, and can pose a threat to your health.
After a flood, many homeowners and property managers wonder if their carpet and pad can be saved.
Musty-smelling carpets are both unpleasant and dangerous.
Black water is floodwater that contains contaminants and viruses that present severe risks of illness.